Blood Pressure is The main facts to control of Health

How to maintain your Blood pressure

The person who are diabetes then it is important for that person to maintain his blood pressure in controllable level and this is helpful in associated with this disease process. That person should regularly consult with diabetic practitioner.

Healthy WeightThe person who have problem in his blood pressure should try to reduce his extra weight and this is so long as your weight is to reach at healthy place.That person should take exercise daily to reduced unwanted calories fir his body and lose the extra weight.

All of this is must because heart work hard to maintain blood circulating affectively.
Exercise Daily

That person should do simplest exercise walk, Dance, Stair walking and play sports. That person should walk as long as he can. He should walk in park, footpath, car park. He should try to enjoy the cycle.In this article we present you the most important steps that you can prevent your high blood pressure and this will help that person to keep himself fit.

It reduced the heart disease. That person should do daily exercise not more than only thirty minutes. So passing every day that person should increase his exercise daily.Every person should keep in control his blood pressure after checking them continuosly.I

f the a person have a heart problem then he should try to consult his doctor to control that immediately,.Is there any sodium in you food..?Every person should consumed only 2.3 to 2.4 grams of sodium in one day. So that person should not contain or add salt or sodium in his meals. You should try to pick less sweets and chocolate and should use the fresh vegetable in his meals.


Smoking is the besic cause blood pressure.It creats problems for the heart to pump the blood in the body.Decrease your pressure level
Every person should try to take some time out for himself in every day so that day he feel without any fault.

The person should try to share his problems with his friends.He should also remember his happy moment of life.

Maintain Alcohol in his life

Control the amount of alcohol which every body spent in his life.Because its cause high blood pressure and affect on body badly.The person who try to drink is not more than 3 drinks in one day and the women is not more than 1 drink in his one day routine life.

Obtain medicine Suitably

The person who is prescribed by doctor for medication to maintain his fat and his heart disease he should try to medication suitably and take his GP daily for his blood pressure to control successfully.


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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Blood Pressure is The main facts to control of Health

How to maintain your Blood pressure

The person who are diabetes then it is important for that person to maintain his blood pressure in controllable level and this is helpful in associated with this disease process. That person should regularly consult with diabetic practitioner.

Healthy WeightThe person who have problem in his blood pressure should try to reduce his extra weight and this is so long as your weight is to reach at healthy place.That person should take exercise daily to reduced unwanted calories fir his body and lose the extra weight.

All of this is must because heart work hard to maintain blood circulating affectively.
Exercise Daily

That person should do simplest exercise walk, Dance, Stair walking and play sports. That person should walk as long as he can. He should walk in park, footpath, car park. He should try to enjoy the cycle.In this article we present you the most important steps that you can prevent your high blood pressure and this will help that person to keep himself fit.

It reduced the heart disease. That person should do daily exercise not more than only thirty minutes. So passing every day that person should increase his exercise daily.Every person should keep in control his blood pressure after checking them continuosly.I

f the a person have a heart problem then he should try to consult his doctor to control that immediately,.Is there any sodium in you food..?Every person should consumed only 2.3 to 2.4 grams of sodium in one day. So that person should not contain or add salt or sodium in his meals. You should try to pick less sweets and chocolate and should use the fresh vegetable in his meals.


Smoking is the besic cause blood pressure.It creats problems for the heart to pump the blood in the body.Decrease your pressure level
Every person should try to take some time out for himself in every day so that day he feel without any fault.

The person should try to share his problems with his friends.He should also remember his happy moment of life.

Maintain Alcohol in his life

Control the amount of alcohol which every body spent in his life.Because its cause high blood pressure and affect on body badly.The person who try to drink is not more than 3 drinks in one day and the women is not more than 1 drink in his one day routine life.

Obtain medicine Suitably

The person who is prescribed by doctor for medication to maintain his fat and his heart disease he should try to medication suitably and take his GP daily for his blood pressure to control successfully.

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